The Mechwarrior Online Company
Mechwarrior online was one of BWC's top games before 2014. It was one of the main games played in BWC while members waited for Beta of Planetside 2 to be released. BWC had a very competitive team back then. A team that was serious about dominating the game and promoting BWC as a top contender in MWO. Just to name a few of the originals from over ten years ago in no particular order. HoppinRaven, Nightstalker, JohnWolf, RighteousFury, Hangman1962, Featherstone, DarkJaguar, Che Rambo, Thiroc, Gorkie, oikirv, OptimusPrime, toderkula, Curon Hifor and Demongirl. Even our fearless leader Juvat was playing MWO back then. These names may not be well known to you, but, back then they were some of the best BWC sent out to dominate the game. And dominate they did, BWC was a seriously feared opponent.
MWO's Company Commander OIC is thearticulategrunt since 2018-05-18
Players come and go but the OIC of MWO TheArticulantGrunt, known as Grunt to most of us, has been the main fixture within the game for over two and a half years now.
With over 275 MWO led Ops alone. Grunts Wacky Wednesday Night Ops at 8pm and Midnight Raids on Fridays at 12am Midnight have always been fun and averaged anywhere from three to fifteen members
on any occasion. Lately they've had a couple members stepping up to put up more ops for those that can't make it on Wednesday or Friday nights. Such as Manic Mech Mondays at 8pm led by Timber Ghost.
MWO team play is 50/50 that's wins and losses. The game has changed it's perimeters and we can no longer dominate the field with a BWC devastating 12 man team.
Coordinating drops is the only way we can get more than four pilots in at the same time and usually the extra over four wind up on the opposing team.
Speaking with Grunt, MWO is still going strong within BWC.
His hopes for the game has never changed. Recruiting, Game play and Fun. To incorporate more BWC awareness and restore the ranks to their former glory.
Playing MWO in BWC always instills the One Team, One Fight attitude. Members are constantly working together as a team. In game communication is a major factor and you would be amazed at the teamwork
and support you have here. Members share Mech builds and information freely and support each other like brothers. They really know their stuff.
Even if you just listen in on an Operation and was asked to describe it, you would have to mention the camaraderie and the endless efforts to achieve gaming excellence.
Something BWC has always striven for.