The Star Citizen Company
Star Citizen is an upcoming open-world space sim that includes Ship to Ship combat, FPS fighting, trading, piracy, and everything in between.
Black Widow Company's Star Citizen organisation is in the process of spooling up and finding its place in the 'verse. We have been working on rebuilding the playerbase from within the overall memberbase of BWC, and are going to begin open recruitment once we've finalised how we want to run the Org. Opportunities for leadership, and speciality roles, will become available to all players. We practice teamwork, communication, and coordination. Anyone can lead an Operation, and anyone can strive to gain rank and accolades. Our focus in-game is to play together, have fun together, and help each other achieve goals--mercantile/economy gameplay is just as welcome as combat-oriented gameplay, but everyone is expected to be able to contribute to combat objectives when it's Go Time.
We pride ourselves on a lengthy tradition of Gaming Excellence and a mentality that embraces gamers who want to be part of a growing, active community and not just a random number or callsign. BWC is a veteran-founded organisation but being a veteran is not a requirement. Our members should be eighteen and up. A functioning microphone, Teamspeak, and a forum recruitment application are required. Additionally, the Star Citizen community heavily relies upon Discord for day-to-day interactions, so make sure to join the BWC Discord and get the SC role.
We invite you to fly with BWC and find out what we have to offer you, and allow us to learn what you have to offer BWC.