The SWTOR Company

Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) is an MMORPG set in the Star Wars universe (obvious, I know) several thousand years before the time of the movies. The game is a sequel, of sorts, to Bioware's Knights of the Old Republic series and includes many references to said games along with *SPOILER* one character making a direct appearance (but we won't tell you who they are!). The primary conflict of the game is a cold (occasionally hot) war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Players can choose to play as Jedi, Sith, bounty hunters, smugglers, soldiers, etc. Each class has it's own quest storyline, while Jedi and Sith character's decisions during quests will determine whether they follow the Light or Dark sides of the Force. And yes, you can have a Light following Sith and a Dark following Jedi.

BWC first started playing in 2015 and have had a dedicated game company for SWTOR off and on since then.

BWC's SWTOR Company is primarily aligned with the Sith Empire, though they don't mind playing Republic every now and again. They can mostly be found playing Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights. Most of the time they're pretty laid back and the Company welcomes all character and skill levels. Saturdays are mainly reserved for building the Imp side raid team; although more serious in playstyle, having fun is still the goal . . . so don't worry about being "Vader'ed" by one of the officers if you mess up.

Come check us out and have a chat; we would be honored if you would join us.

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